Four Ways an ADHD Diagnosis May Be Helpful For You


Many adults wait years before getting evaluated for ADHD. You may have told yourself that as you got older, it would be easier to focus. You may have felt that you just “weren’t trying hard enough” to meet your potential. Or you may have worried that getting an ADHD diagnosis would carry a stigma. Even if you suspected that ADHD was the cause of your problems, you might have hesitated to ask for help because you didn’t want to accept that label.

You may be unsure if ADHD is what is holding you back, or if something else keeps you from  meeting your potential. Our experienced clinicians will conduct a thorough assessment to help you sort out whether ADHD, and/or something else, is affecting your functioning.

Once you have the diagnosis, taking control of your life becomes a whole lot easier. In fact, you might just wish that you had gotten evaluated sooner. Getting an ADHD diagnosis can actually help you manage your symptoms in a healthy way:

1. Validation And Relief

Once you receive your official ADHD diagnosis, you may get confirmation that you were not "lazy" or lacking in self-discipline. You were not someone who couldn’t be bothered to get their work done on time. There was a reason that following the same routines as everyone else didn’t quite work for you. Now, you know exactly why you struggled to focus on one task at a time.

Getting an ADHD diagnosis can be validating. Now, you have an explanation for your persistent symptoms. Most importantly, you know that you have a variety of treatment options at your disposal.

2. You Can Finally Take Action

Before being diagnosed with ADHD, you may have wondered how you could improve your performance at work, make it through your daily to-do lists, handle bills or “life maintenance,” and remember to take care of little favors that you promised friends and family.

For a long time, you may have been confused about whether or not you really needed professional help. But receiving an ADHD diagnosis may bring clarity. You do not have to try to deal with all of your symptoms on your own. With a diagnosis, you have direction and an opportunity to take action. Moreover, you can begin learning how to properly manage your symptoms.

3. Start Counseling

Learning more about how ADHD impacts your life and your relationships, while developing strategies and creating individualized solutions, can jumpstart new habits. You can do this with the help of an experienced professional who understands people with ADHD.

We offer individual and couples counseling, and support groups to help you create more effective ways of managing your life. Some people have found that their self-esteem or their relationships have suffered as a result of undiagnosed ADHD. In addition to counseling focused on behavioral changes, we offer psychotherapy that addresses emotional or mental health issues that can sometimes co-occur with ADHD.

Working with a therapist who has experience treating ADHD can teach you strategies for getting ahead at work and staying productive and focused at home. The therapist can help you understand yourself and feel more comfortable and confident. Soon, you'll move forward, knowing that you have the tools to succeed.

4. Determine if Medication Works For You

Many people with ADHD find that taking the right medication can help improve focus and efficiency in tasks. It allows them to be more productive throughout the day. Medication may not be the right choice for everyone. However, if you have recently been diagnosed with ADHD, it may be an option worth exploring.  We can refer you to a physician experienced in ADHD for a medication consultation.

Ready to take the first steps toward managing your ADHD symptoms? Call us today and see how we can help.